Amazing Spider-man #32 by Stan lee and Steve Ditko
Originally Reviewed: 7/6/12
Cover: So the cover features spider-man ripping apart the city [literally] while they show a snippet of the sickly aunt may in the corner. This cover makes me think that this issue is going to be interesting, did spidy go nuts?! Overall, I like this cover...but not that much. I give it a 3.5/5 since it's pretty cool looking, but not that impressive.
Page 1-2: The first page shows the base of the “master planner” once again. He continues to complain about spider-man like a standard super villain. It feels like a wasted page. On page 2 we get to see the inside of the base, and now see that Doc Ock is the mysterious man. I actually already read this spoiler an issue early. He is trying to study the radiation that effected both him and spider-man. He wants to use the radiation to become more powerful. I'm not surprised since, in this universe, radioactive spider/snake bites [see “King Cobra”] can give you crazy powers.
Page 3-4: Meanwhile at the daily bugle, Peter and Betty continue their drama. As a reminder, he loves Betty, Betty loves Ned, and she hates spider-man. Peter wants to break away from Betty so that there is no more trouble. J.J. comments that Peter's new photos are worthless, and peter remembers that he has been having trouble because of worrying about aunt may. Speaking of Aunt May, the doctor actually tells peter that she is suffering because of radioactive particles in her blood. I'm surprised she's not turning into superwoman at this point. Peter realizes that this occurred because of the blood transfusion in issue 10.
Page 5: After filling the page with his extreme guilt, peter decides to call Dr. Connors [AKA the Lizard]. He says that Connors is an expert in this field. After some digging, I found that he studied Biology and Biochemistry. Strangely the marvel site only says that he studied reptiles. Since I just saw a movie with the lizard, it seems really weird that he shows up here. I feel like I should revisit issue #6 sometime. He finds out that Curt has moved to New York and rushes off to find him.
Page 6: After Spider-man STEALS a blood sample from the doctors office, he swings along to doctor coiners office. I honestly forgot that he only had one arm until I saw the movie, and even then I thought it was something made just for the film. Anyway, peter says “hey, remember that time you used radioactive whatever to turn yourself into the lizard, could you use that somehow to help my sick friend?” The logic of this makes even less sense when you realize that according to most sources [including the new film] that the lizard formula is based on DNA/biology and not radiation. On the other hand, Connors is not directly creating the antidote...he just heard about it and decided to order a batch to help spider-man.
Page 7: Later, peter sells off all his household lab equipment in order to pay for the antidote, he even takes money from his bank account. You'll probably regret that the next time you need to invent some new webs or spider-gadgets! Spidy then swings into the lab and starts mixing chemicals like a mad scientist. I've taken high school Chemistry, and I dunno if I could have ever done any of this junk!
Page 8-10: Meanwhile Doc “Master Planner” Ock has decided to steal the anti-radiation antidote before it gets shipped in. How exactly it could contribute to his research, I don't know...but whatever. The purple minions, as seen in previous issues, steal the serum and run off. Spider-man hears about the news and frantically speeds off! Spidy asks Foswell for help in finding the master planner and he agrees. Spider-man then continues by smashing into gang hideouts demanding information.
Page 11-14: Meanwhile, at the hospital, aunt may is growing weaker and is slipping into a coma. The next few panels show spider-man ripping apart a hideout, mimicking the cover. Using his spider sense, he finds an entrance to a hidden room where the planner's gang is hiding. Spidy's super strength and agility make quick work of them. Reminds me of the awesome way they portrayed his “spider-like” combat style in the new film. After Doc Ock realizes that spidy is after the serum, he decides to use it as bait.
Page 15-16: Spider-man finds a vial that even HE thinks is a trap. When he moves for it, he gets shocked by electrodes. By the way, his spider-sense didn't bother warning him about that. As spider man falls, Doc ock catches him with his arms. Spidy figures out that he is the master planner, what a shock! This arc just started in issue 30 and we already know who the bad guy is! Anyway, spidey flips backwards and Ock just flays around. He then starts bending the tentacles as doc ock punches at him. I'm surprised he's that strong!
Page 17-19: Spider-man starts madly throwing stuff at his foe, and doc ock points out that he's “fighting like a tiger”. The doctor tries to retreat while the ceiling starts to collapse. The next few shots are very well done and well shot, leading up to spiderman being crushed under the rubble as water starts to fill the underwater base. This sets up for the next issue, a milestone in spider-man history.
This issue was pretty good, I thought that spider-man gathering information about the planner was totally unnecessary and doc Connors comes out of nowhere! Overall it gets a 8.5/10, great, but not perfect. The drama is being kicked up to 11!