Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Games Update

For right now I think it would be better to post a general update.

Numenera Session 5 is on youtube now, and Session 6 will be live on Friday.

Cyber Suicide Session 15 will be held on thursday and now that I know how to capture MOV files, I should upload it after I get a chance to edit it.

Mystic Machina has decided to make the shift to the d100 BRP system. I recorded session four as an MOV using the system above and am currently considering how to edit and upload. it. I don't have adobe on this computer, so I have to find an alternate.

Me, Jung, Jarred, and the others have started running Hoard of The Dragon Queen [using the Remix resources] in 5e. I probably won't take the time to blog on this though.

I am playing a homestuck rp and a warhammer rp with my friend zane, alternating on Sundays.

My schedule is packed for this week, so I am going to have lots of general delays. I have two chapters to cover in my art class, I just registered for spring classes today, I'm attending Brigade Con this weekend, and then on tuesday I have to go speak at a event [a speech] and go to a concert and write a paper on the concert for my final art paper by the end of the month.

But beyond that, I have a lot of good things going on...coming home for thanksgiving and catching up on Doctor Who as well as starting work on Nova's Journal chapter 2 in December.


Editing videos is going to take longer since I decided to move all the editing to my PC since the editing programs for mac don't work for me. I probably won't be able to really do anything else with that for right now. Thinking maybe until after everything calms down.

Cyber Suicide blogs will go up next week or the week after that. The next session happens in two or three parts as the game reaches the end.

Edit 2:
Cyber Suicide has been delayed due to Silver having a fever, but Numenera will go up live tomorrow night.

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