Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tabletop without Tables

So, as for recent tabletop updates:
I'm attempting to start a Google+ DCC Game, Running DCC #00, mostly for fun and to teach the people who are interested in the game how to play. My friend Kate approached me about it, but she hasn't called be back for three days now. I might attempt to desperately recruit other Google users if it comes to that, but I'm much more of a personal person and have serious issues gaming with strangers.

The Cast for my upcoming Sailors on the Starless sea is starting to fill out. We have a few character's occupations confirmed already. The cast includes a dwarven blacksmith who intends to become a dwarven cleric, a magic-user of some type interested in becoming a beguiler (enchanter/illusionist mix), as well as some peasants including a fisherman from a neighboring village, a carpenter, a woodsman (gotta love the axe!), and a small time trader/merchant.

Besides this, The island of the drow continues to slug forward. While the dungeon was somewhat boring, even the highlighted moments drew almost no emotional reaction from my players. I'm not sure if they were bored, or I should feel ashamed. The most intense battle was against a gelatinous cube that was stuck to the ceiling of the castle. It plopped right on top of Richard Karvine, melting him and his equipment as the others dodged away. Karoldus the paladin noted that as Richard's skin was melted away from his body, it appeared bleached and grey...matching the description of a doppelganger. The paladin retrieved the blessed axe from the wreckage, but abandoned the Buckler of Darkness.
All in All, it is clear that the campaign is losing steam and I am happy to be ending it within the next three sessions. The party is currently 70% complete with the current arc, and I hope we can continue next weekend. 

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