Thursday, July 31, 2014

All New X-men #8-9: The X-Men meet some other people!

I picked up a new batch of comics yesterday, and hopefully I'll talk about some of them. Sometimes if I find nothing interesting (extremely good/extremely bad) about an issue, then I'll say nothing about it. For example, I like Original Sin so much (well, most of it) that I'm not even sure how to judge it. I think if I did something like Infinity where I go through the whole event, then maybe I can review it as a whole. This comes from the fact that I picked up issues #3-6 of the series yesterday.

All new X-men #8
The cover shows that the Avengers will come into contact with the “new” X-men. Will it be AvX all over again? Let’s find out. The variant cover actually highlights the classic team as a part of this anniversary cover setup. I’ll admit...I really like the original line-up of x-men, that’s why I read and reviewed some of the old X-men issues (#1-38 for now, I need to get around to #39). However, I’m starting to get a bit annoyed that they keep getting shoved in my face. That aside, I realized another fun fact: The x-men met the avengers before in X-men #9 (1965), but these X-men were taken from X-men before they met the avengers! It’s still sort of a throwback to that issue though, at least I think.

Anyway, the book opens by continuing the scene with Warren and Angel (The present warren thinks he’s a real angel, so he calls himself it makes it easier for me to separate them)
Hydra makes an attack on the avengers tower, and both angels swoop in to help.Warren does manage to take some injuries since his wings aren't metal like his current counterpart. Cap and the others arrive to clean up, and he realizes that there are two Angels. He flies to the school to talk to Hank right away. The two of them are in the Illuminati together, so I’m not surprised that he’d suspect Beast here. Young Scott even introduces himself to Cap to try to calm him down.
Meanwhile, Warren freaks out and tries to activate the time machine so that he can leave. He’s always been a bit hysterical. I remember reading the storyline in X-Factor where he lost his wings, I mean he really lost his mind then. Speaking of losing his mind, the guy snaps and then suddenly appears to be perfectly happy. Seems like his present self isn't the only one who has to lose himself in delusions. Turns out Jean walks in, looking very creepy with some dark shading, and implies that she altered his mind. So the twist is that jean is also going off the deep end and using her powers to assume a tight grip on everyone!
This issue was pretty good. The characters are all starting to show different sides to them, going through their own ways of coping with this. It was nice to realize that the Avengers and the X-men still don’t even get along all the time even after the battle. Captain America still holds the school responsible for the terrorist cyclops and wonders why they don’t do anything about it along with messing around in time. I’d give this issue a solid 8.7/10. It’s getting harder and harder to see who is a hero and who is a villain when everyone seems to be doing terrible things. Hank forces people out of their timeline, Jean is starting to control people’s minds, and Warren just wants to get the heck out! I don’t blame him, things are getting out of hand...even Beast admits that. The action scene between the two angels was also cool to imagine and see, both of them flying around dodging gunfire and smashing things. It’s awesome.

Issue 9
This issue has the x-men facing off against Mystique’s Brotherhood of Mutants. According to Wikipedia, this is literally the fourth time someone has officially brought this group’s kinda ridiculous. This time it’s just mystique, Lady Mastermind (who creates illusions like her father), and Sabertooth. If you’re wondering what happened to the Blob (who is one of my favorite x-men characters), he actually lost his powers on M-Day...but apparently he was able to get them back using mutant enhancing drugs that mystique gives him in a few issues from now. So, now he needs drugs to get his powers, great. As for Toad, last I remember he was working as a janitor in the Jean Grey School...and all that changed is that he now does the same job at the Hellfire Club. In essence, most of these guys are washed up, and mystique only has like four guys to back her up.
We open with the original x-men in times square. This reminds me of the same scene from the end of the Captain America movie. Suddenly, the sentinels attack and the group gets scattered and beaten around. Normally, I’d question why, but then I remembered that cyclops is still going around starting a revolution. Then, it is shown that they were in the danger room the whole time. Wow! Now it’s starting to remind me of the opening to X-3 (which is much worse….).
The team gets into the standard post-failed-training funk, but then Jean suddenly read’s Scott’s mind and finds out about Mystique.
Speaking of her, she shapeshifts into Maria Hill and blows Lady Mastermind out of prison. I don’t know why she didn't just release tons of villains instead of just one, but whatever...guess she only wants mutants. Lady Mastermind comments that her name is a bit strange, but it suits her fine. She scares away the guards using an illusion of the MARVEL ZOMBIES! That’s a really neat little cameo.  Beast clarifies to Warren that he took him from his time to try to prevent the human-mutant war that Cyclops seems to be starting. Just then, Cyclops and his ex-men (get it, cause they’re ex x-men? They’re also called the extinction team, but whatever.) teleport to the front door.

Overall, this issue seems like another in-between one. Not very much happens, and even when jean figures out mystique is involved, the team has no time to do anything about it. The art for the series is still some of the best I’ve seen though, with it’s quirks and all. I’m still going to give this a 7.5/10 and see how the x-men will jump into action next issue!

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