Saturday, October 4, 2014

Death and Dwarves (Tears of the Blade) Sessions 3-5

So, as the third session began, our "heroes" journeyed to the third level of the castle. The ground floor is considered the first level, and they explored the dwarven hold on the second level. I don't really feel right calling them heroes, because as I saw is a selfish but daring thief. The other is a rebellious warrior who fought against an evil prince, and the third is a wizard who loves getting drunk. They first defeated a giant spider, who was able to do little more than tie up Aria (the barmaid) before it was killed.

They then proceeded into another set of rooms that turned out to be the base of the Black Spear Gang. All of the small time bandits were pretty much killed besides two of them who only survived by hiding. The leader of these level 2 warriors happened to be a 7th level evil ranger who, wearing a black cloak and hood, finished off the party almost by himself. Aria was captured and the party was killed. Asgall the warrior did have a badass moment, using his critical to shove the other bandits in front of the ranger's deadly arrows and help thin the numbers.

We restarted the campaign using new level 3 characters. Jarred decided to become a barbarian who uses two axes. Jung revised an old Magus character named Maldrogan who uses a flaming sword and necromancy (this is very archetypal of jung's characters). The duo were on their way to visit Greyhelm when they heard a cow mooing in pain from the barn. The barbarian rushed in, but he was two late as he literally saw the cow get ripped in half by two acid spitting burrowing ant creatures (2 ankhegs).

I picked these two monsters randomly, but they were really interesting to play out, very cool monsters. They grabbed the barbarian using their pincers and impaling him, not to mention spewing acid on his body. He had around 30+ HP and was taking the damage like a boss! It was so cool to imagine him shrug off these horrifying wounds. The duo defeated them with a bit of effort and noticed the holes they created. They burrowed up from the earth. Part of the tunnel opened out in another direction downwards and formed a sort of vein leading to another tunnel.
Here they found quite a bit of gold and a masterwork dwarven axe that the barbarian found (in dwarven it had the name of Arch-cutter written on it, but if it was written in german it would be Messerkreuz).

As the pair continued down, they found themselves in the dwarven barracks where the past characters slept, going about 20ft. underground near the outside of town. Once there they tried to steal from the dwarves bar. The bottles crashed to the floor and woke some of the guards. In total they fought around 26 dwarven guards and a lieutenant who was supposed to be 11th level, but was adjusted to around half strength.
 Around 60% of the dwarves fled, and the berserking barbarian culled most of them. By the end of the battle only 11 dwarves survived along with their leader who was away at the time.

They recovered much loot, gaining about 3,500+ gp from selling rare dwarven items and getting to level 4.

The barbarian recovered a Belt of Giant Strength (going up to 18 STR)

The necromantic magus aquired a potion that glows like the sun, and a potion that smells of giant sweat (both unidentified) as well as other various potions and a magical cape that he could not identify so he put it away.

The party rested in an elvish tavern, but they should not be so ready to relax as they have a full squad of bandits and dwarves after their heads.

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