Sunday, October 19, 2014

Numenera: The Purple Horror (Session 2)

This session was fun for a lot of reasons, and it'll probably become obvious why I'm having so much fun as the post continues. This time, I had a guest star appear in the campaign who really stole the show...and at the last minute Karl finally decided to join the campaign. I met Aleena while waiting for one of my classes in the hallway, and I was happy to introduce a fellow writer to her first TRPG.

Set in the Desert of Milave, in a renegade village named Presca.

The Party:
Aleena playing Raziel Nyx Archer (Going under the guise of Doctor Arch):
The Stealthy Jack who Sells Information (works the back streets).
-If I could give him a secondary focus at this point, it would be "Impersonates a Doctor" :D.

Dustin playing Nel (Full name unknown):
The Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions. A crossgendered slave who has been sold to a bar owner.

Matt (aka Tom Nook) playing an Obsessive Nano who Wields Power with Precision. He has been put together with mechanical parts and even has arm-repulsers like Iron Man.

Karl playing Caiden a Strong Willed Glaive who Bears a Demon. He is a knight from a local castle known for training psychotic knights.

Known NPCs
Seth: The mutant snake-man who runs the Bar/restruant known as the Slying Geko. The bar is peaceful most of the time, and alcoholic drinks are outlawed in Presca. Seth is a clever, selfish, and downright ruthless criminal who speaks in a slithery accent. He secretly deals in drugs and other illegal substances.

Sarkon: A plain soft spoken man of average build who has a grey longsword. He is trained as a chef and a hunter and works for Seth.

Drainus: The local Aeon Priest of the community, looks young compared to the older people in the town and uses advanced communication and hologram numenera.

The session started with Nel using her oddity for the first time. They are a pair of pink earbuds that made Nel feel drowsy when wearing them. Though he had never fallen asleep while wearing them he decided to do so after a horribly tough day (Session 1). This took him through a very violent and vivid dream that went very far in explaining his fear of needles. The slave had been injected with various drugs and chemicals early in his life, and it was highly traumatizing. The Physical pain felt in the dream was translated into Mental damage.

After waking up, Nel decided to wait for Nick, who was seeking treatment from a doctor that Drainus had called over from Aian. The doctor was originally going to be a random NPC, but Aleena had a wonderful idea on how to introduce Raz to the group. Basically, "off screen" (without any rolls either), the Jack intercepted the communication from the priest and took advantage of the situation. He knocked out the doctor and dumped the body into the nearby river before stealing his notes and studying up on the symptoms that Nick had (Yay for flex skills!).

When Raz arrived, Nick was able to roll a nat 20 right away to discover that this "Doctor Arch" was obviously not a doctor with his slouched posture, smirking grin, and general way of speaking. Despite not being legitimate, Raz was able to figure out that Nick was infected with a Xenovirus (alien virus) as well as Radiation Poisoning from the Cyphers he was holding unto.

Raz offered to trade one of the cyphers (consumable flame, that he was able to identify, earning 1 XP) for the information on the disease, and he never even gave Nick any actual information! When Raz took a blood sample, Nick noticed the blood sample device was similar to his own oddity that he found outside the abandoned building. He injected into himself and the light inside the device turned red (1 XP). The blood sample also reviled that the virus is turning their blood purple as well as their skin!

In anger and confusion, Nick threw the device at the fake doctor "What does this mean!?"
One GM intrusion later (2 XP), and the device was broken on the floor. Raz scooped it up along with the flame vial. The duo entered the bar so that Nick could get the job from Seth and so that the "doctor" could check on Nel.

Sarkon and the others were sent on a mission to recover poison from a herd of Desert Culova that roamed the desert, and soon they were ambushed by a group of giant sandy colored spiders.

The knight in the distance saw this, using his Danger Sense to his advantage, and charged into the fray. The others reacting quickly tried to figure out what to do.

Nel managed to get an 18 and cloak both him and Raz inside of an illusion of a sand dune. This effectively made both of them invisible.

Meanwhile: Sarkon, Caiden, and Nick slashed and blasted at these things at close range. Nick's first hit was another very high number and he managed to topple one of the spiders over with the blast.

Sarkon wasn't as helpful in the fight, but he was mostly there to be escorted and give minor support.

Caiden was ripping through the monsters with his demonic heavy sword, not taking a single bit of damage while he cleaved bits of them in half.

Nick proved he could be fairly awesome in combat and used his Onslaught blasts to literally blow most of these guys away.

 Raz pulled out a secret weapon of his, an alien blaster that he fired twice directly at the huge towering spiders. The best part was that he fired it while cloaked so nobody even knows he possesses that weapon.

Sarkon gathered up the poison from the spiders, and Nick was able to figure out his other oddity (1 XP) since it was basically a highly concentrated version of the same poison. This is a cool way to use combat, use the chaos of combat to discover new things about what you have and the world.

Raz urged the party to head to Aian to try to research a cure for the disease that is turning both Nel's and Nick's skin purple. Sarkon mentioned that Seth wouldn't like to hear this, but he headed back to Presca with the poison and to inform Seth. Caiden offers to help them, seeing that they are desperately in need and very ill.

The newly formed party now sets off in a long journey across the desert that could quickly get them killed before they even reach their destination! The group is low on food and water, and the city is fairly far away. To add to the tension, Raz does inform Nick that he only has about 6 days to live...
And even worse, unless the group finds something along the way, they are pretty much going to die.

Next time! Starvation, Struggle, and Hexcrawling! :D
I'm also running the next part of Tears of the Blade today with another female guest. It's great making new friends in college :).

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